

QUIC Protocol is hard to understand its overview because of vast specification.

I investigated QUIC Protocol which is hard to understand its overview. There are many rfc core drafts. https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-quic-transport-23 https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-quic-tls-24 https://tools.ietf.org/html/…

Study Kihon Eibun 700 Sen

Today, I studied Sin Kihon Eibun 700 Sen(新・基本英文700選). I checked English grammer and listened to CD. But this book has no gramatical explanation in it. This textbook prints only english sentence and its japanese translation. I search…

Watch instructive anime with my child.

My older child recently watch anime. He is absorbed in "Hataraku Saibo" and "Dr. Stone". These animes are very instructive. So, Intentionally I showed them these animation using Netflix. My son is only 7 years old. But, he is beginning to …

How to handle dns failover by gethostbyname()

I use Linux. When I write /etc/resolve.conf with multiple "server" directive, what if one dns resolver which is written is /etc/resolve.conf down. Then, How gethostbyname() behave? I want to dive into glibc source code some day.

How to handle dns failover by gethostbyname()

I use Linux. When I write /etc/resolve.conf with multiple "server" directive, what if one dns resolver which is written is /etc/resolve.conf down. Then, How gethostbyname() behave? I want to dive into glibc source code some day.

What is TLS goals.

This is my first time to post English blog. I'm not good at English at all. This is my English exercise. I investigated TLS's goal between TLS1.3 and TLS1.2. There are some differeneces between them. TLS is aimed to provide a secure channe…


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